Koti Tuotteet Polkupyörien pysäköinti Pyöräkaapit

Falco Cycle Lockers
Falco’s extensive range of cycle parking products includes a selection of high quality cycle lockers for providing individual cycle parking security. Our cycle locker collection boasts great aesthetics and an all round, robust specification, all at cost effective prices!
Cycle Locker Specifications
With a wide variety of colours available ensures a cycle locker to meet all applications. All steel framework on our cycle lockers are hot dip galvanised to BS EN ISO 1461 to enhance durability. For more project images, technical information or a quotation regarding Falco cycle lockers, please call our helpful sales team 0358 10 219 0716 or e-mail myynti@elpac.fi.
Falco was established on 15 September 1951. The founder, F. Friesacher, the grandfather of the present owner, began by manufacturing "transport equipment", such as wheelbaroows for stone and concrete, and gravel and tar carts. In the middle of the 50's bicycle racks and sheds were added and the business then followed an…
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