Koti Tuotteet Katokset ja sääsuojat Pyöräkatokset

Falco Cycle Shelters
Falco’s range of high quality cycle shelters provides a comprehensive product portfolio to meet all requirements. With over 50 years of experience, Falco brings a large amount of expertise into the integration and development of covered structures and cycle shelters into public and private areas. All Falco shelters can be used for all applications; cycle shelters, smoking shelters, waiting shelters, bus stop shelters, parent waiting shelters, teen shelters, storage shelters and sport dug-outs. There is also a wide choice of finishes and materials available for all cycle shelters including: hardwood, wire mesh, pierced steel plate, glass and corrugated aluzinc sheets.
Whether utilitarian or design led, Falco cycle shelters and canopies exert style coupled with high functionality, enabling them to fit into all schemes and environments. All Falco cycle shelters are robust and stylish to give years of service and high resistance to vandalism. The wide range of cycle shelters, also complement the comprehensive street furniture ranges available, with matching co-ordinated products for many ranges including; seats, benches, litter bins, ash bins, tree grilles and planters.
Cycle Shelters for Schools
Having already designed, supplied and installed a wide number of cycle shelters for schools across the UK, Falco is well placed to assist schools by designing and optimising a cycle shelter to meet the needs of its students and cycling schemes. Falco’s design team have many years of cycle shelter design experience and are able to offer a full design service to meet the requirements of the client base.
Cycle Shelters for Public and Private Spaces
Falco’s cycle shelter collection has been designed to resist the day to day impact of constant use and is vandal and graffiti resistant; making it a great asset to any public or private location. All Falco cycle shelters can also be used as a waiting, smoking or storage shelter ensuring a shelter with numerous possibilities to meet the clients’ preference.
Cycle Shelters – Technical Information
All steel components of our cycle shelters and canopies are hot-dip galvanised to BS EN ISO 1461, providing high resistance to corrosion - also an ideal substrate for polyester powder coating - available in a choice of 192 RAL colours. We also provide FOC site surveys, cycle shelter CAD layouts and schematics, plus NBSplus product technical data sheets are available in PDF format to make specifying easier ... and as always with Falco, If you have any questions about our range of cycle shelters and canopies, don’t hesitate to contact us, please call our helpful sales team 0358 10 219 0716 or e-mail myynti@elpac.fi.
Falco was established on 15 September 1951. The founder, F. Friesacher, the grandfather of the present owner, began by manufacturing "transport equipment", such as wheelbaroows for stone and concrete, and gravel and tar carts. In the middle of the 50's bicycle racks and sheds were added and the business then followed an…
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