ESPOO Leppävaaran asema, pyöräparkki
Leppävaaran rautatie- ja bussiaseman alla on alikulkutunneli joka yhdistää eteläisen ja pohjoisen Leppävaaran kevyen liikenteen. Samalla se on kulkureitti mm. junalaitureille ja Sellon…
ESPOO Leppävaaran asema, pyöräparkki
Leppävaaran rautatie- ja bussiaseman alla on alikulkutunneli joka yhdistää eteläisen ja pohjoisen Leppävaaran kevyen liikenteen. Samalla se on kulkureitti mm. junalaitureille ja Sellon kauppakeskukseen. WSP:n suunnittelema (urakoitsija VRJ) perusparannus käsitti mm. alikulkutunnelin valaistuksen ja kevyenliikenteen väylien kunnostusta. Myös Itäinen pyöräparkki uusittiin. Tilaan asennettiin sekä kaksikerrostelineitä että paritelineitä. Tuotteet ovat FALCO Level Premium+ ja FALCO Ion.
FIFA Delegation enjoy Falco products at Manchester City Football Club!
These are the FalcoBloc picnic tables installed at the new Man City fan park on the day that the FIFA delegation chose to tour the hi-tech football arena!
New FalcoLinea Picnic Table
The FalcoLinea picnic table is a new addition to the FalcoLinea range of street furniture and reflects the great design lines and aesthetical looks from its family of co-ordinated products. With the FalcoLinea series we have aimed to offer the optimal flexibility in the execution of creative design, providing a robust product to meet all public requirements.
FIFA Delegation enjoy Falco products at Manchester City Football Club!
These are the FalcoBloc picnic tables installed at the new Man City fan park on the day that the FIFA delegation chose to tour the hi-tech football arena!
New FalcoLinea Picnic Table
The FalcoLinea picnic table is a new addition to the FalcoLinea range of street furniture and reflects the great design lines and aesthetical looks from its family of co-ordinated products. With the FalcoLinea series we have aimed to offer the optimal flexibility in the execution of creative design, providing a robust product to meet all public requirements.
Falco was established on 15 September 1951. The founder, F. Friesacher, the grandfather of the present owner, began by manufacturing "transport equipment", such as wheelbaroows for stone and concrete, and gravel and tar carts. In the middle of the 50's bicycle racks and sheds were added and the business then followed an…
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