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Falco Street Furniture
Falco street furniture is a comprehensive collection of high quality street furniture for every environment. From stylish co-ordinated ranges of street furniture to simple picnic seats, the street furniture range is here to give architects, designers and specifiers’ inspiration and choice. The range covers; seating, litter bins, bollards, planters, barriers, tree protection – the whole range of street furniture requirements. The design led aspect of Falco street furniture enables it to accentuate a scheme - from parks and recreation areas to urban street scenes or from school furniture and public area to museums and tourist sites.
Street Furniture - Materials
If it’s materials you are focused on then Falco’s street furniture range has plenty to offer – from hardwood, stainless steel and cast iron through to granite, aggregate or simple galvanised steel furniture – you can find a material or texture to link into almost any design concept. Plus with a choice of 192 colours from the RAL register for many products, matching urban schemes or corporate identities is very straightforward.
Falco street furniture is designed to be robust and vandal resistant - and with little need for maintenance, the Falco street furniture products provide a very low cost of ownership for many years. We can also provide NBSplus specifications, CAD layouts and schematics, plus all product technical data sheets are available in PDF format to make specifying easier.
Additionally there are whole chapters on this website dedicated to cycle parking and shelters, canopies and walkways, plus some striking centre pieces to punctuate a square or piazza in the ‘Science Park’ range of play equipment ... and as always with Falco. If you have any questions about our range of street furniture, don’t hesitate to contact us, please call our helpful sales team 0358 10 219 0716 or e-mail myynti@elpac.fi.
Falco was established on 15 September 1951. The founder, F. Friesacher, the grandfather of the present owner, began by manufacturing "transport equipment", such as wheelbaroows for stone and concrete, and gravel and tar carts. In the middle of the 50's bicycle racks and sheds were added and the business then followed an…
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